Video: Metrolink attack sentencing

Passengers took cover on the floor as windows of tram in Chorlton smashed

Published 15th Jul 2016

A man and two youths have been sentenced after attacking a tram with passengers on board in Chorlton. Lamar Morton aged 21 of no fixed address and two 17-year-old boys from Beswick and Bolton were handed the sentence at Manchester Crown Court.

It follows an attack on a stationary tram which smashed windows and made passengers take cover on the floor.

Morton, who pleaded guilty to violent disorder and criminal damage worth over ÂŁ5,000 at an earlier hearing, was given an 18-month custodial sentence suspended for 18 months.

The 21-year-old was also required to complete a 30-day rehabilitation requirement and 100 hours of unpaid work.

The Bolton teenager, who pleaded guilty to violent disorder, was handed an 18-month youth rehabilitation order which includes a curfew for four months.

The Beswick teenager, who also pleaded guilty to violent disorder, was sentenced to an 18-month youth rehabilitation order which includes a curfew for six months and an extended activity requirement of 180 days. At around 11.30pm on Friday 3 July 2015 the trio were seen loitering on the platform of St Werburgh’s metrolink stop in Chorlton. A tram, which was heading towards Manchester Airport, pulled into the station and the three became involved in a fight with a passenger. After kicking the tram and hurling abuse at the passengers, the trio then split up with Morton walking off in rage across the lines before jumping over a fence and then walking down a pathway which runs alongside the track. They then pelted stones at another tram that had pulled up. Passengers in the carriages, including an elderly couple, had to take cover on the floor as some of the stones smashed the windows. Detective Constable Mark Ledger, from GMP’s City of Manchester team, said: “The trio showed a complete disregard for the public’s safety during this prolonged mindless act of vandalism. “There is no justification or explanation for their behaviour which placed terrified innocent people in danger while they were simply making their way home. “The stones were thrown with such force it smashed through reinforced windows whilst one resident thought the loud bangs were gun shots. “Some passengers were left so shaken by the incident they were unable to use the tram network for months afterwards. I am just thankful no one was injured. “I hope this investigation proves how seriously we take reports of anti-social behaviour and shows our close working with partner agency Transport for Greater Manchester to bring offenders to justice. “I hope the outcome delivers the clear message that we do not and will not tolerate behaviour like this.”

TfGM’s Metrolink Director, Peter Cushing, added: “The scenes that unfolded at St Werburgh’s Road that evening were nothing short of disgraceful.

“Passengers came under attack by three mindless individuals, while one of our vehicles was extensively damaged. The fact no one was seriously injured was more by chance than design.

“CCTV played a vital part in securing these convictions and this case should act as a strong warning and deterrent to others.

“As well as the continued deployment of the TravelSafe Unit - a dedicated team of police officers that patrol the bus and tram network at all times of the day and night - all our stops and trams have high quality CCTV, which we will not hesitate to handover to the police. Each stop is also equipped with emergency call points, which are linked directly to the CCTV and will raise an alarm in the control room.”

“Metrolink remains an extremely safe way to travel, however when a crime does occur we will work with the police and partner agencies to identify and hold those responsible to account - as we did in this case.

“The vast majority of journeys are incident free and I’d like to reassure all our customers that we are resolute in our commitment to ensuring they can get around the network safely and without worry.”