Stoptober returns to Greater Manchester: aims to cut 100,000 smokers in 3 years

Published 1st Oct 2018

People are being urged to join the annual Stoptober mass quit attempt in the month of October.

Today marks the start of Stoptober and health bosses in Greater Manchester are calling on more than 100 thousand smokers to quit in the next three years.

More than 400 thousand people smoke here - with most starting before they're 18.

Officials are encouraging smokers not to "go cold turkey'' as the method may hamper a person's chance of successfully quitting.

PHE said that the best way to quit is with expert help from local stop smoking services together with stop smoking aids.

For this year's campaign, PHE is offering an online Personal Quit Plan'' to help smokers find the right support to help them kick the habit.

The new tool will recommend a range of options to smokers including face-to-face support, nicotine replacement therapies like patches, gum or inhalers, and e-cigarettes.

The Stoptober campaign began in 2012 and is based on research that if smokers can go for 28 days without a cigarette then they are five times more likely to quit for good.

Dr Jenny Harries, deputy medical director at PHE, said: "There are many different types of stop smoking support available, so it can be difficult for a smoker to know what will work best for them.

"The important thing is not to be put off trying to quit even if you have not managed to in the past.

"This year, Stoptober can help you find a combination that could work for you.

"We predict that thousands of smokers will quit every day over the next 10 years - I urge smokers not to get left behind for the benefit of their health.

"Join in, find your best way to quit, and start your 28-day journey to becoming smoke-free.''