Social Media Addiction

Published 3rd Aug 2015

A leading psychologist has called for more help to be given to people struggling with social media addictions in the wake of a Key 103 survey.

Around half of the people asked admitted they struggle with some form of social media addiction- many even checking it before they get out of bed.

Psychologist Sharon Coen from Salford University says social media is a useful tool but like anything needs to be used in moderation.

You can see the results of our survey below:

Are you addicted to social media?

Scotland – 50% yes

England – 47% yes

Glasgow – 44% yes

Edinburgh – 47% yes

Could you live without social media?

Scotland – 35% no

England – 37% no

Glasgow – 37% no

Edinburgh – 38% no

Do you know of someone else addicted to social media?

Scotland – 78% yes

England – 82% yes

Glasgow – 86% yes

Edinburgh – 86% yes

15-24 year olds that say they know of a relationship or friendship damaged as a result of social media:

Scotland – 72% yes

England – 69% yes

Glasgow – 72% yes

Edinburgh – 72% yes

The first time I check social media is before getting out of bed in the morning:

Scotland – 50%

England – 55%

Glasgow – 54%

Edinburgh – 46%

You can follow our campaign on twitter - #socialaddict