Reynard Sinaga and Joseph McCann: Notorious rapists whose crimes 'shocked the nation' have jail terms increased to 40 years

Both offenders targeted victims in Greater Manchester.

Reynard Sinaga and Joseph McCann
Author: Becky CahillPublished 11th Dec 2020
Last updated 11th Dec 2020

The decision to extend the sentences of Joseph McCann and Reynard Sinaga was made by the Court of Appeal.

In a statement after the ruling, Solicitor General Michael Ellis QC said: "Both offenders carried out some of the most heinous and depraved sexual attacks that shocked the nation.

"I am grateful for the guidance the court gave about whole life orders and I am pleased that the court imposed a longer minimum term.

"I hope this brings some solace to the victims of these despicable crimes."

McCann, 35, was given 33 life sentences at the Old Bailey last December for a string of sex attacks on 11 women and children - one aged 11 - during a 15-day cocaine and vodka-fuelled rampage.

The next month, 37-year-old Reynard Sinaga was handed a life sentence at Manchester Crown Court on conviction of more than 150 offences committed against 48 men - although police have linked him to more than 190 potential victims.

The Attorney General's Office referred the 30-year minimum jail terms handed to both of them to the Court of Appeal earlier this year for being "unduly lenient".

At a hearing in October, Solicitor General Michael Ellis QC argued the pair should either have been given whole life terms or longer minimum terms for their crimes, which were among "some of the worst and most violent that this country has ever witnessed".

A panel of five judges refused to impose whole life terms on McCann and Sinaga, but increased their minimum sentences to 40 years.

Giving the ruling, Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett said that while their offending was "very serious indeed... it does not, in our judgment, call for either to receive a whole life tariff."

"This is not to minimise the seriousness of their offending, but instead to ensure that the most severe sentence in our jurisdiction is reserved, save exceptionally, either for the most serious cases involving loss of life, or when a substantive plan to murder of similar seriousness is interrupted close to fulfilment."

Lord Burnett said that McCann and Sinaga's crimes were some of the most serious rape offences the senior judges on the case had ever dealt with in England and Wales.

He added: "Neither man has shown any remorse and the long-term psychological damage for at least some of the victims in both trials is profound and will only be understood in the years to come."

Whether either man is ever released will depend on the parole board's assessment of the risk they pose after serving their minimum terms.

McCann committed a string of sex attacks in the North West and London in April and May 2019, two months after the convicted burglar was wrongly freed from prison following "major failings" by probation staff.

He was described by sentencing judge, Mr Justice Edis, as a "classic psychopath".

Sinaga - the UK's most prolific serial rapist - preyed on lone, drunk young men around nightclubs near his flat in Manchester, posing as a Good Samaritan who offered them a floor to sleep on or promised them more alcohol.

The Indonesian student drugged the men, then filmed himself sexually violating them while they were unconscious, with many having little or no memory of the assaults.

Judge Suzanne Goddard QC, who sentenced him to a minimum of 30 years, described Sinaga as a "monster" and "an evil serial sexual predator".

Assistant Chief Constable Mabs Hussain said: "We welcome today's ruling and are very pleased that Sinaga will be behind bars a further 10 years. From speaking to many of his victims, we know that many will be comforted by this outcome and feel that the extension reflects the heinous nature of the crimes committed.

"At the very heart of this case has always been the victims and supporting them through their horrific ordeal. The bravery that these men continue to show has been nothing short of incredible and we, alongside partners such as St Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre and Survivors Manchester, will continue to offer as much support as possible to the victims and help them in every way we can.

"Since reporting restrictions were lifted in January 2020, a number of reports were made to our dedicated incident room from people who were concerned they may have been a victim of Sinaga. As a result of this, we have been able to identify a further 23 of Sinaga's victims. Like many other victims, the majority of these men had been enjoying nights out in Manchester City Centre before being preyed on by Sinaga as they made their way home. We are continuing to offer these men our full support and help them in any way we can.

"As a result of further evidence coming to light, our investigators now believe that Sinaga committed sexual offences against 206 men. We are yet to identify around 60 of these men and would urge anyone who thinks they may have been a victim to please get in touch with us. If you don’t feel like you want to speak to police, specialist support services are widely available with organisations such as St Mary's SARC and Survivors Manchester.

"I would like to say a huge thank you to all of those who have contributed. First, a thanks to our investigation team whom I am incredibly proud of and have had to endure watching the most sickening of video evidence, which was created by Sinaga himself. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our partners, including representatives from the NHS, health and support services, whose top priority has always – and will continue to be – the victims.

"We hope the work of the investigation team sends out a clear message that Greater Manchester Police is committed to investing time and resources into bringing those who carry out sex offences to justice. We also hope it demonstrates our firm commitment to working alongside specialised partner agencies in order to provide victims with any support they need. We will leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of justice."