Princess Road 30mph speed limit to be made permanent

It follows a successful trial of the slower speed.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 8th Mar 2018
Last updated 8th Mar 2018

Manchester City Council has given approval for the speed limit on Princess Road and Princess Parkway to be permanently reduced to 30mph.

The traffic order, which has been in place on a temporary basis since last April, will take permanent effect by the summer.

The scheme began after a petition launched by local residents requesting the change attracted more than 1,000 signatures, in the wake of collisions which had caused two fatalities.

Analysis carried out in February 2016 found that 84 collisions had happened on the road in the previous three years.

A public consultation undertaken in autumn 2016 recorded strong local support for speed reduction along the entirety of the route, to help improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists and reduce the number of collisions.

Princess Road passes through areas of residential housing in Hulme, Moss Side and Whalley Range and the Southern Cemetery, plus a number of schools, including William Hulme Grammar School and Whalley Range High School.

Since the start of the scheme, motorists have been given clear information about the reduced speed limit, with 30mph signs placed at key locations along the route.

The new permanent order will be advertised from Tuesday 6 March.

Executive Member for the Environment and Skills, Councillor Angeliki Stogia, said: “We are taking this action after listening carefully to residents, who raised serious concerns about road safety in their neighbourhoods. Having reviewed the effects of the temporary scheme over the past year and with local people's safety as our number one priority, we’re now adopting the lower speed limit permanently.

“Princess Road runs past homes, schools, shops and amenities and so taking this measure is a common-sense step to help ensure the safety of residents and all road users, while also keeping traffic moving on one of the city’s key roads.”