Northern Rail Routes Electrification Back On

Published 30th Sep 2015

Electrification of key northern rail lines will now go ahead, the Government has announced just months after shelving the plans.

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said the overhaul of Midland Mainline and the TransPennine routes will restart following the so-called pause that was ordered in June.

The Government was accused of deceiving voters over its intentions for the rail network when the scheme was put on hold just weeks after the general election.

Its decision to restart the work comes just days before the Conservatives head to Manchester for the party's autumn conference.

Mr McLoughlin said: "As a one nation Government we are making sure every part of Britain benefits from a growing economy.

“Connecting up the great cities of the North is at the heart of our plan to build a Northern Powerhouse. This Government will see the job through and build a better, faster and more reliable railway for passengers in the North and Midlands.''

The Shadow Transport Minister and MP for Hyde and Staylybridge speaks to Key 103 about the restarting of the electrification of northern rail routes.