Manchester sports students warned of the pitfalls of performance enhancing drugs

Manchester High Schools for Girls welcomed elite sports therapist Emma O’Reilly.

From left: Sophie Tilley, Emma O'Reilley and Elise Kotegaonkar
Author: Victoria GloverPublished 1st May 2018

AS Level sports students at Manchester High School for Girls had a rare opportunity this morning to learn about the pitfalls of doping, following a number of high profile cases in the media.

Elite sports therapist Emma O'Reilley, who famously blew the whistle on Lance Armstrong and the US Postal Cycling Team in 2003, visited the school to speak frankly about the dangers of performance enhancing drugs.

In the 1990s, Emma worked with Lance and his team as the only female soigneur in cycling. Today, Emma runs her own clinic and treats elite athletes from premiership footballers to Olympians alike.

She hopes to inspire young women not to be afraid to pursue a career in the world of sport.

Emma said: “It is important for young people to learn about the devastating effects that performance enhancing drugs can have on athletes, their sport and the people around them. I have seen first-hand how easy it is to be influenced and how even the good people can end up making grave mistakes.

“I want them to know that they can absolutely have a successful career in sport, even if it is traditionally viewed as a ‘man’s world’. I have always been treated equally both professionally and in terms of pay, but I do feel that, in a male environment, women must work harder to gain the same level of acceptance and respect as men.”

Emma O'Reilley with 15-year-old MHSG student Elise Kotegaonkar

PE teacher, Sarah Rowley from Manchester High School for Girls, said: “The PE provision at MHSG is very strong with a number of girls doing team or individual sport at a high level. Our Sport students are currently studying the topic of PEDs and who better than Emma to give them an insight into the dangers of doping and how far some athletes go to become the ‘best’ in their discipline.”

MHSG student, 15-year-old Elise Kotegaonkar from Bolton (pictured above) said: “Staying active is really important to me and I play in the school netball, rounders, tennis, water polo and athletics squads. Performance enhancing drugs are an interesting part of our GCSE Sport curriculum. I believe there is nothing positive to doping; cheating devalues you and it is hugely damaging to everyone around you. I’m really looking forward to learning more about this topic.”