Man sentenced for perveting the course of justice over hit and run death of 5 year old boy

Published 9th Dec 2015

A man’s been sentenced today for perverting the course of justice in the case of 5 year old Samuel Walker, who was killed by a hit and run in Chorlton-cum-Hardy back in 2003.

33 year old Craig Chevelleau – who’s already in prison - was found guilty following a trial in June.

He was sentenced at Manchester Crown Court to another 23 months in prison for his actions following the death of a five-year-old boy in 2003.

On Sunday 9 February 2003, five-year-old Samuel Walker was crossing Hardy Lane, Chorlton-cum-Hardy along with his mum, 12-year-old sister and five-year-old cousin after visiting the Co-Op on Barlow Moor Road to pick up items for a family picnic.

As the young family approached the centre of the clear road, a silver Mitsubishi Gallant came speeding towards them in the middle of the road.

As the car came towards them, Samuel's mum put her arms out to try and protectively push the children back and screamed at the driver of the car to stop but the driver, Nawnee Mackin, ignored her desperate cries and made no attempt to stop.

The car just missed most of the family but as she turned to watch the car drive past, Samuel's mum saw that the car had hit Samuel and screamed for help as she ran to her son.

Ambulance staff attempted to revive Samuel at the scene and he was rushed to Wythenshawe hospital where he was sadly pronounced dead.

He would have celebrated his 18th birthday in March of this year.

After failing to stop at the scene, witnesses describe seeing the car speed through the nearby Merseybank Estate to Riverside Walk where police found it abandoned on a footpath.

Almost three hours after the collision, the owner of the Mitsubishi Gallant involved in the incident, Craig Chevelleau, contacted police to report the car stolen.

Chevelleau claimed that he had been out to collect some shopping for his mother but had forgotten what she asked him to get so he pulled up on Yew Tree Road to use a nearby phone box to ring her. Whilst he was at the phone box, he said he saw his car being driven off by an unknown offender using the keys which had been left in the vehicle.

Rather than immediately report it stolen, Chevelleau claimed that he thought it was a friend of his joking around so went home to get his bicycle before riding around the Moss Side area of Manchester looking for the car.

Chevelleau’s car had actually been driven at the time of the collision by his criminal associate, Nawnee Mackin, who was sentenced on 23 November 2015 to nine years in prison after being found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving.

Senior Investigating Officer, Police Sergeant Lee Westhead said:

“The actions of Chevelleau on the 9th February 2003 and in the years since, were a calculated attempt to pervert the course of justice.

“This deception and the web of lies that supported it, drew the attention and resources of the original investigation team.

“Ultimately it contributed to the person responsible for Samuel's death evading justice for over 12 years.

“Today's sentencing of Chevelleau brings to a close the three year re-investigation into the death of Samuel Walker.

“Chevelleau is an insidious individual and he and Mackin are now where they both belong.

“I will again pay tribute to the patience and dignity shown by Samuel's family, as this horrific chapter of their lives is brought to a close. We will never forget Samuel Walker.

“The Serious Collision Investigation Unit will continue to revisit unsolved cases of road death. We will be relentless in our efforts and will seek out those suspected of wrongdoing.

“There is nowhere for them to hide and one day that knock on the door will come.”