'Man's been messed around bare' - Rap CV turns recruiters heads

21-year old Anastasia Glover was fed up of job hunting, so tried a new trick

Published 22nd Mar 2018
Last updated 22nd Mar 2018

A talented job-seeker grabbed the attention of an award-winning national recruiter – by applying for a role with a gritty, self-penned rap.

Anastasia Glover stopped Forward Role founder and Managing Director Steve Thompson in his tracks with her eye-catching grime rhyme that describes her struggles finding work after leaving university.

The 21-year-old, from Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, who graduated with a 2:1 in filmmaking from the Manchester School of Art in July 2017, raps about sending CVs and emails but getting no responses.

And she also explains how she’s ‘worked propa ard and achieved a goal’ but been ‘messed about’ by having to work trial shifts.

Now Steve and the Manchester-based Forward Role team have committed to finding Anastasia a new job after being blown away by her efforts to get noticed.

Steve said: “We spend a lot of time talking to universities and their graduates about the realities of the job market in the UK and how they can stand out in the crowd because we know it’s not always easy to find a job. That’s clearly what Anastasia has found since she graduated but as soon as the rap landed in my inbox, I knew we could use this brilliant piece of fun to help her find work.

“This is the perfect way to grab the attentions of an employer. It shows brilliant creativity and a real willingness to think outside the box.

“It’s clear from chatting to Anastasia since she sent the email that she’s someone who has had a tough time trying to get noticed by some recruitment firms and employers whilst applying for roles in PR and social media.

“With that level of creativity we believe she has a brilliant future and we can’t wait to play a part in finding her the perfect role.”

Steve shared the rap on professional social media site Linkedin, where it has already had over 100,000 views and likes, shares and comments in the thousands showing support.

As a result of the post going viral, Forward Role has already had half a dozen offers from businesses desperate to speak to Anastasia about working for them.

Anastasia said: “I found Steve and Forward Role on LinkedIn and really wanted to catch his eye by doing something a bit different.

“To be honest, since leaving university in July I’ve been sending my CV here, there and everywhere and getting nowhere.

“Businesses want experience but it’s really hard to get that experience when you’ve just graduated. It seems like the market is pretty saturated so I really wanted to make sure my email and my CV didn’t get lost in amongst all the rest.

“It was a slightly silly email but hopefully it showed that I’m creative and I can write. Now it’s onwards and upwards. I’m really excited about my future and I’m looking forward to working with Steve and the Forward Role team to find my next position.