Man Arrested Over Hit And Run That Left Student Critical

Published 23rd Sep 2015

A man's been arrested after a hit and run in Manchester city centre - that's left a 22 year old woman in a critical condition.

Student Melissa Layla Lewis – who’s originally from London, had recently moved to Manchester to study for a master’s degree in Political Economy at the University of Manchester with the aim of becoming a diplomat.

She was hit by a black cab taxi on Chester street at about quarter to 5 on Sunday morning which then left the scene.

Melissa suffered serious head injuries in the crash.

Her mum, Lynda Canning-Lewis has been at her bedside in hospital since - and has released a statement:

"I'd like to thank the person who rang the ambulance and thank them for not moving Melissa, probably saving her life.

“Melissa had only just moved to Manchester to start her Master's Degree with her whole future ahead of her.

“I'd like to thank the police in Greater Manchester and Yorkshire for their help. I'd also like to thank all the staff at the hospital and the University Of Manchester for their help and concerns for a student who was about to start with them.”

A 55-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of causing serious injury by dangerous driving and failing to stop at the scene of a collision. He remains in police custody.