We Have Lift Off

Published 15th Dec 2015

Students in Salford joined millions across the world in watching British astronaut Tim Peake blast off into space.

Major Peake is the first British astronaut to travel to the International Space Station.

He'll spend six months in space, conducting dozens of experiments as he orbits 240 miles above the Earth.

Our Chief Reporter Michelle Livesey went along to Salford City Academy where one of Tim's friend's Heather MacRae from Ideas Foundation was watching on the big screen:

These pupils have been giving us their reaction:

As he moves into his new home in space, both Tim and the Triathlon Trust have invited Salford City Academy to exercise alongside him as he trains two hours a day in the world’s highest and fastest-moving gym - travelling at 27,600 km per hour and circling the world every 90 minutes. Without exercising regularly, Tim will lose bone and muscle mass, therefore exercise is essential so that he can not just get to space, but also return safely.

Tim Peake said:

“While exercising far away in space, I will have some amazing views, although I will miss the sights, sounds and fresh air of planet Earth. I hope students across the UK will join me in my training and share what they see as they work out back on Earth.”

Salford City Academy Principal, Helen Mackenzie OBE, said: