Kind-hearted cops raise money

The PCSOs stepped in after money raised for the Christie was stolen.

Published 9th Jan 2017

Officers from Greater Manchester police have stepped in after a cancer patient had a donation stolen from his car, as he just finished a course of treatment.

While attending his last chemotherapy session at The Christie, Aman Chabra, 35, from Ellenbrook, was due to hand over a ÂŁ300 donation from his auntie.

As the session overran and filled with a mixture of joy and relief, Aman forgot to pass over the money which he left in his car glove box. Returning home, Aman left his car parked outside his house. Unfortunately during the night Aman’s car was broken into and the £300 donation was stolen.

After the crime was reported PCSOs Nicola Bentley and Claire Wilde, who cover Ellenbrook and Boothstown respectively, visited Aman.

PCSO Bentley said: “Aman explained to us the background to the money being raised and fact that he had just finished chemo himself that day. This really touched both Claire and myself, as cancer has affected both of our families.

“On getting back into our vehicle, Claire suggested that we approach the tuck shops at both Eccles and Swinton police stations for a donation, hoping to get some of the lost charity money back to Aman and The Christie Charity.

“Thankfully, the two tuck shops immediately jumped on-board with the idea and with the help of officers from both stations we managed to raise £200.

Nicola added: “Being able to go and tell Aman that we got some of the donation back and that some good came from a bad situation was a nice welcome change.”

On hearing what the GMP officers had achieved, Aman was overjoyed saying: “When Nicola and Claire got back in touch to tell me about the money they had raised I was taken aback by such a lovely deed.

“After my Auntie’s donation was stolen, I thought all hope was lost.

“It’s great to know that with the help of both Nicola and Claire, and the other GMP officers, that a charity which has helped me through a very tough time will get something back to continue helping other people.

“It’s very humbling to know that there are people out there who care.”

On receiving the donation on behalf of The Christie Charity, Caroline Walker, who is a fundraising sports team assistant, said: “We’d like to say a big thank you to the GMP staff at Eccles and Swinton police stations for their generosity and support.

“Every penny raised helps our patients and it’s great to see people coming together like this.”

If you would like to find out more about The Christie Charity, including how to make a donation, simply visit their website at: