Image of car released after murder of a man in Ashton-under-Lyne

James Ray died on his 70th birthday.

Published 8th Dec 2015

Police have released a picture of the getaway car used - after the murder of a delivery driver in Ashton-under-Lyne.

69 year old James Ray was found by police on the Plantation Industrial Estate, with serious head injuries, at 12:05 in the afternoon, back on the 12th of November.

He was taken to hospital, but tragically died in the early hours of the 13th – his 70th birthday.

Police believe his attackers parked on the estate in the Silver Ford Fiesta - stole James's van - and then left in both of them.

A short time later - the van was found abandoned in Staylybridge - and the Fiesta in the early hours of this morning - in the Heywood area.

Now - police are re-appealing for more information with a picture of the car.

The registration of the Fiesta is SD02 HYL had damage to the front driver’s side wing.

James’ van was a grey Ford Transit with registration YB11 HXV and as it was driven off, the sliding door on the passenger side was damaged and was hanging off.

A 23 year old and 44 year old man were both previously arrested on suspicion of murder - and have been bailed until the new year.

Detective Inspector John Mulvihill from the Major Incident Team said:

“Our investigation is continuing and gathering momentum and we are determined to find those responsible for the sake of James’ loved ones. Not only have they had to deal with his loss on the day of his birthday, but we are approaching Christmas, a time when the family should be enjoying the festivities together. “From our inquiries, we understand the car was bought from an auctioneers in Radcliffe on 3 November 2015. Between that date and the day James’ van was stolen, we believe the Fiesta and its occupants have been committing criminality on industrial estates and business parks across Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire.

It would appear that these individuals have been trawling the areas looking for opportunities to burgle and steal vehicles from them.

“I would appeal to anyone who may recognise the car or believe they may have seen it in between the 3 November and 12 November 2015, to contact us as soon as possible.”

Anybody with information should contact police on 0161 856 9908 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.