Hundreds of millions of pounds COULD be spent tackling congestion in Manchester

The plans could include 27 new trams

Author: Nathan MarshPublished 23rd Mar 2018

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham is today launching a ‘Congestion Deal’ to tackle congestion across Greater Manchester.

The ‘Congestion Deal’ is a new approach to tackling congestion, putting huge amounts of cash into encouraging people to use public transport.

It could bring 27 new trams to the Metrolink network, as well as discounted early bird tickets.

There's also plans to build new roads, improve junctions and rolls out 'smart' traffic signals, to tackle congestion hotspots.

People with three or more passengers in their car could also get priority on some of the regions busiest roads, to encourage car sharing.

In more detail, the new measures include:

· £80m investment in Metrolink trams, providing 4,800 extra spaces and increasing capacity on the busiest lines

· £160m investment in cycling and walking infrastructure - giving thousands of people the potential to move around without reliance on private car use

· Incentives for employers to introduce flexible start and finish times for their workforce through the potential introduction of an early bird ‘pre-peak’ ticket offer on Metrolink, as well as a potential group Metrolink discount for businesses that agree to implement flexible working

· An exploration of a High Occupancy Vehicle lane pilot, to give priority to cars with three or more passengers, to encourage more car sharing

· An expanded transport control centre operating 24 hours a day to help improve the flow of people and goods around Greater Manchester, and provide real-time information to the public

In a consultation last year, which more than 7,000 people responded to, it was found the main causes of congestion were too many people travelling at the same time; too many short journeys by car; roadworks; poorly timed traffic lights and no realistic alternatives to driving.

The Congestion Deal has been developed on behalf of the Mayor of Greater Manchester by TfGM, alongside a group of independent experts

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham said: “Congestion is a serious problem in Greater Manchester, which affects people’s health and wellbeing, as well as access to employment and education opportunities.

“Every week, my Twitter feed and inbox are filled with accounts of the difficulties people experience in travelling to work, dropping the kids off at school or getting to appointments on time. There’s no quick fix or single solution to tackling congestion and it requires a long term approach, but there are things we could be doing better.

“So I’d like all of Greater Manchester to agree to a congestion deal; transport bodies and businesses will work together to give people real choice about their travel options; whilst Greater Manchester residents must also play their part in the deal by making changes to how and when they travel and by choosing public transport, cycling or walking as an alternative to the car where possible.

“If everyone does their bit, from businesses to bus operators and from council to commuters, we can work together to reduce congestion and make Greater Manchester an even better place to live and work in the future.”

Chris Boardman, Greater Manchester Cycling and Walking Commissioner, said: “Making it easier for more people to travel without using cars, particularly for short journeys, is one of the key ways we can tackle congestion. We can only do this if we make active travel the easiest, most attractive and logical option.

“The £160m investment in cycling and walking infrastructure, would kick-start a major transformation of how people of all ages travel.

“We’ve said from the start that this transformation has to be led and owned by local people. We’re ready to work closely with communities on bold and ambitious plans that will unlock the potential for thousands more people to get around by bike or on foot.”

The proposals are set to be discussed by leaders from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) next week (Thursday 29 March)