Hoverboards seized in Salford

Goods found following warehouse raid.

Published 9th Nov 2015

Trading standards officers in Salford have seized over £20,000 of dangerous hover boards.

The seizure was made from a wholesale shop in the city following a tip off from a member of the public who phoned Citizens Advice with information after hearing the devices were not safe on a television programme. Details of the shop were then passed on to Salford City Council’s trading standards team.

Officers seized the products as they were concerned the chargers did not comply with British standards. They have now been sent for further examination

The ‘self-balancing boards’ are said to be this year’s must have Christmas gift.

Councillor Gena Merrett, executive lead member for housing and environment at Salford City Council said: “As soon as we got the call the team went out to investigate and the hover boards were seized on safety grounds.

“If anyone is thinking of buying one of these devices for Christmas, please be very careful and only buy from a reputable and trusted shop. These are electrical items and you cannot be too careful – it is not worth risking your home and family’s safety just to save a few pounds.”

The Department for Transport says the boards are illegal to use on public roads or pavements.