Handbag Thief Sentenced

Sean Earle jailed for 6 months for stealing woman's handbag just moments after she died.

Published 17th Jul 2015

An Eccles man who robbed a woman just moments after she jumped to her death has been jailed for six months.

Sean Earle was seen talking to Linda Clarke near the M602 bridge in April – the 27 year-old was later seen fleeing with her handbag.

Earle pleaded guilty to theft of her handbag and was sentenced at Manchester magistrates.

A victim impact statement from Linda’s husband was read in court in which she was described as a loving wife, mother, sister and grandmother.

Detective Inspector Alan Clitherow said:

“What possessed Sean Earle to run off with this lady's handbag moments after seeing her fall onto the side of the motorway we'll never know, but it would have been clear to anyone that a fall from such a height would result in severe injury or death.

“Not to make any effort to contact the emergency services or show any regard for her welfare is callous beyond belief.

“It is only by chance that a member of the public who had seen the two talking called paramedics and the police - without this witness it is entirely possible given the time of night that we wouldn't have been alerted for some time. The lady's family have been supported by specially trained officers and have been appraised of the investigation throughout."

Detective Inspector Alan Clitherow said:

“What possessed Sean Earle to run off with this lady's handbag moments after seeing her fall onto the side of the motorway we'll never know, but it would have been clear to anyone that a fall from such a height would result in severe injury or death.

“Not to make any effort to contact the emergency services or show any regard for her welfare is callous beyond belief.

“It is only by chance that a member of the public who had seen the two talking called paramedics and the police - without this witness it is entirely possible given the time of night that we wouldn't have been alerted for some time. The lady's family have been supported by specially trained officers and have been appraised of the investigation throughout."