Fears sub-zero conditions are putting lives of rough sleepers at risk

It's after the death of 25-year-old John Wrench who died whilst sleeping rough in Manchester city centre.

Author: Tom DambachPublished 11th Feb 2021
Last updated 11th Feb 2021

There are fears more rough sleepers could die as extreme freezing weather continues to grip Greater Manchester.

Temperatures have plunged below freezing all week with emergency accommodation being kept open by the region's councils.

Charities in the city have told Hits Radio they worry more lives are at risk because of the conditions, following the death of 25-year-old John Wrench who was originally from Bolton.

John was found dead in the doorway of M&S on Market Street on the morning of February 1st - a night when temperatures went below zero.

The Mad Dogs Homeless Project in Manchester spent time with John during outreach work, and the team saw him just hours before his tragic death.

Jim Hutton runs the charity and told Hits Radio the post-mortem was inconclusive.

He's paid tribute to John on the project's Facebook page - and are launching a fundraiser to help support his family and organise a funeral.

'Shocking that a relatively fit young man could be found dead'

"As many of our followers will know, we announced a death just over a week ago but didn't name the young person, as we wanted to gain permission from his family.

"Mad Dogs Homeless Project have agreed we will be paying for the funeral of this young man in agreement with his siblings.

"The young man who passed away between 7:30am and 8:00am on 1st February while rough sleeping on Market Street Manchester was John Scott Wrench.

"John was born on 6/3/95 so he was 25 years of age!

"Shocking that a relatively fit young man who had been rough sleeping for a short time could be found dead!

"Most of the homeless community and other support groups in Manchester, would no doubt, have known John's passion was his beloved Manchester United....well, after his favourite hooded sweat tops anyway 😁 and Eminem, The world famous rapper.

"John and his siblings didn't have a great start in life and were brought up in what we would now term "extreme poverty".

"This was due to, one of his parents who suffers severe mental health problems. This impacted the family and as a result they were deprived of a lifestyle and upbringing that many of us take for granted.

"John, one of five siblings had a learning disabilty and attended Woodside School in Bolton, which caters for children with special needs.

"Tragically the family lost their mum just over 2 years ago and this played a huge part in causing John to go off the rails.

"We at Mad Dogs send the family our deepest sympathy and we are asking for donations to help us provide a fitting funeral for this young man.

"If there should be any monies left after we pay the funeral expenses this will be used by Mad Dogs Homeless Project, for raising awareness of the causes of homelessness and furthering the aims of the project."

You can donate here.