Cannabis In Our Classrooms

Published 23rd Apr 2015

Dozens of schoolchildren as young as ten in Greater Manchester have been caught with drugs on school premises, new figures reveal. The date shows 104 drug seizures at Greater Manchester primary and secondary schools over the four years, between 2011 and 2014. Heroin was amongst the drugs seized, along with cannabis. A 10-year-old in the Greater Manchester Police force area was found with cannabis and GMP also reported a 14-year-old getting caught in possession of heroin with a street value of ÂŁ500, while a 16-year-old pupil was also found with a quantity of the same drug worth ÂŁ330. Teachers described the figures as a worry'', andthe tip of the iceberg of what young people are encountering on the streets''. The vast majority of incidents occurred on school premises, although colleges and universities in the force areas also reported incidents. PC Mike McGuiness works in schools in Manchester - he told our Chief Reporter Michelle Livesey he's not surprised by the figures: