Air Stewardess Jailed For Smuggling

An air stewardess has been jailed for 18 months after an investigation by HM Revenue and Customs discovered she repeatedly smuggled shisha tobacco from Dubai into the UK.

Published 10th Sep 2015

An air stewardess has been jailed for 18 months after an investigation by HM Revenue and Customs discovered she repeatedly smuggled shisha tobacco from Dubai into the UK.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jade Kaur, from Stretford, was stopped by Border Force officers last November at Manchester Airport where she was caught with 25kg of the tobacco along with 3,200 cigarettes in her luggage.

Messages on her phone found by the investigation also revealed she had carried out at least a dozen other long-haul trips before. Since then, Kaur has owned up to illegally bringing 275kg of shisha into the UK using staff-discounted tickets between July and November 2014.

Assistant Director of the Fraud Investigation Service at HMRC Sandra Smith said: “As an air stewardess, Kaur knew exactly what she was doing was illegal, yet kept on going for months purely to line her own pockets. But now the game is up and she is paying the highest price by losing her freedom, not to mention her career.”

“HMRC will not hesitate to investigate those who try to profit from defrauding honest taxpayers and businesses.”

Kaur pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court.