WATCH: Hugh Jackman on his emotions playing Wolverine for the last time

Logan is in cinemas now

Hugh Jackman
Published 2nd Mar 2017
Last updated 3rd Mar 2017

We caught up with Hugh Jackman to talk to him about his latest film Logan, the last film in which he will play the character of the same name, also known as the mutant Wolverine.

Hugh has played the Marvel character eight times previously, starting with the first X-Men film in 2000.

Having played the character for so long, we asked Hugh if he felt emotional knowing it was the last time he would be playing Wolverine.

Not one for public emotions Hugh said he didn't get emotional while filming, however,

"The tears happened for me when I watched the film, in weird places," he told us.

He went on to say how certain scenes made him well up, especially carrying the ailing Charles Xavier and the the last scene of the film.

The film is set in the near future where Logan is caring for Professor X. They are hiding out on the Mexican border when he finds himself caring for a young mutant and subsequently pursued by dark forces.

We asked Hugh what it was like for him growing up and he gave an insight into the teenage Hugh Jackman, from music tastes to school subjects.

He even revealed who his celebrity crush was and how things didn't go so well when he finally met her as an adult.

Logan is in cinemas now, watch the trailer below: