Volunteers aiming to add "at least 10,000 hearts a day" to London mural remembering victims of the coronavirus crisis

"I'm really trying to take my time with each one, because each one is representing a person"

Author: Helen HoddinottPublished 30th Mar 2021

A mural of 150,000 hand-drawn hearts is being painted on a wall opposite Parliament to remember victims of the coronavirus crisis.

Organisers says it's on the south bank of the Thames to provide a "visual representation" of every life lost.

It's being painted by bereaved family members and is expected to be more than half a mile long.

"It feels a real responsibility, and I'm really trying to take my time with each one, because each one is representing a person," says Fran.

Her husband died after getting coronavirus in October - they had married just three weeks before.

"It's also quite therapeutic I think... we're making a statement, and across the river the people that make desicions will see this. It's an amazing thing to see it happening and growing."

The initial part of the project is expected to take about two weeks - but they're going to carry on adding hearts as more lives are lost.