Teenager found guilty of stabbing 17-year-old in London park in broad daylight

Khaled Saleh was attacked in broad daylight last June

Author: Liam ArrowsmithPublished 23rd Feb 2024
Last updated 23rd Feb 2024

A 17-year-old boy has been found guilty of stabbing and killing another teenager in a park in central London in broad daylight.

Khaled Saleh was with a group of friends when he was attacked in St Mary's Churchyard in Paddington on the 19th June 2023.

Police said the 17-year-old - who cannot be named for legal reasons approached the group with a knife and stabbed Khaled - in front of shocked members of the public.

He was arrested a day late and claimed he'd acted in self-defence.

But police unearthed CCTV footage showing what really happened, and he was found guilty of manslaughter following a trial.

Detective Inspector Ollie Stride, who led the investigation for one of the Met’s homicide teams, said: "The violence used in this attack left Khaled with little chance of survival.

"The defendant was in the park in possession of a knife when he was approached by a group including Khaled.

"He had many options but chose to attack Khaled, who was unarmed, stabbing him once and continuing to attack him after he had stumbled to the floor and could not defend himself.

"He then fled with his two associates leaving Khaled dying on the floor while shocked park-goers desperately tried to save his life.

"This was a truly shocking scene and one which starkly outlines the devastating consequences of carrying a knife."

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