Violent drugs gang jailed for a total of 111 years

13 members of a Widnes based drugs gang - linked to a series of drive by shootings on Merseyside - have been jailed for a total of more than 110 years.

Published 14th Jun 2016

13 members of a Widnes based drugs gang - linked to a series of drive by shootings on Merseyside - have been jailed for a total of more than 110 years.

The gang, who have been sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court, dealt in heroin, crack cocaine and cannabis. The court heard they recieved 20,000 calls a month for drugs, and uses intimidation and brutality to enforce their work.

Glock and browning self loading pistols were among the weapons used in drive by shootings across the region from September 2014 to April 2015.

Between that time there were incidents in Speke, Whiston & Huyton. On one occasion a man was left paralysed from the chest down after being attacked.

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Tivendale from Merseyside Police Matrix Major Crime Unit said: "We are pleased that this reckless organised crime group has been removed from our streets for the foreseeable future. We have seen again that criminals who use firearms are throwing away their life and destroying that of others. The sentencing demonstrates just how strongly we will deal with those involved in gun crime and drug supply, and should strongly deter those who are considering this path of criminality.

"Serious and organised crime remains a priority for Merseyside Police, and we will continue to take positive action against those who blight our communities. Information from the public is vital and we will continue to act on all that we receive.

"My message to those engaged in organised crime is clear: we know who you are, we can see where you are operating, and we will come knocking."

Chief Inspector Mike Evans from Cheshire Constabulary said: “Today, members of an organised crime gang that brought misery, fear and intimidation to the streets of Widnes and Liverpool have collectively been jailed for a total of more than 110 years. The sentences handed down reflect the severity of their crimes and the significant impact that their behaviour had on local people.

“A property in Widnes was used as the ‘safehouse’ for the gang – it was here that they stored the firearms used in the shootings in Merseyside along with cash and other items. They brought their criminal activities to the streets of Widnes and often carried out their drug related activity in public places during the day and night with blatant disregard for anyone else.

“It became clear that the OCG was controlling drug distribution in Widnes. It was a significant drug dealing enterprise, who believed they were above the law and untouchable - now they are paying the ultimate price for their criminal activity.”

Chief Inspector Evans added: “A dedicated team of officers from both Cheshire and Merseyside Police have spent hours securing evidence, searching for witnesses and painstakingly analysing exhibits as part of this complex case to ensure that those responsible were brought to justice.

“Cheshire Constabulary is committed to tackling organised crime. We will not tolerate those who choose to come into Cheshire believing it is an easy target - be warned as it is only a matter of time before we catch up with you.

“Organised crime blights local communities and residents can rest assured that our efforts will continue. The successful conclusion of this case has resulted in a number of dangerous individuals being taken off the streets for a very long time.”

Cheshire’s Police & Crime Commissioner, David Keane, said: “Having seen the threat posed by organised criminal gangs to our communities, I’d like to congratulate Chief Inspector Evans and his team for this excellent outcome. Removing these sorts of people from our communities, and our streets, will send a strong message to other criminal gangs that live, or operate, in Cheshire, that this police force will bring you to justice.