'Thousands' of Wirral Kids Taking Pescription Drugs For ADHD

New figures have revealed thousands of kids in Wirral are taking pescription drugs to treat ADHD

Published 16th Oct 2015

According to the research over £300'000 is being spent in the borough every year on medication, mostly on children..

In Liverpool £97,360 a year is spent on ADHD drugs that are prescribed to 0.48% of the population,

The condition means people can suffer from a lack of attention, focus and become hyper - active.

Dr Tony Lloyd from the ADHD Foundation in Liverpool said:

"There are more children in Wirral being medicated than anywhere else in the country by a big margin"

"It's about giving parents choice. Even the pharmacutical companies say these drugs aren't a cure. They should be used to support kids who have ADHD in a severe form to help them get through school"

In a stament: Wirral Clincial Commisioning Group said:

ADHD medication is recommended by a specialist rather than a GP and hence its use is not initiated by GPs in primary care. In Wirral, once a specialist has recommended the medication, the GPs will then prescribe; however, in other areas prescribing is often retained within the Mental Health Trusts or Community Trusts rather than in GP practices. Wirral also has an adult ADHD service lead by a hospital consultant which other areas such as Warrington do not currently commission. These different clinical practises will distort the figures so that the table does not show a like-with-like comparison.

That said, the CCG is looking at a range of initiatives to support increased non-pharmacological therapies.