Teenage car thief cleared of attempting to cause Grievous Bodily Harm

The teenager accused of using a stolen pick-up truck as a weapon to murder a policeman has been cleared of attempting grievous bodily harm with intent on the officer's colleague.

Published 18th Mar 2016

The jury at the murder trial of PC Dave Phillips has been sent out until Monday to consider charges of murder or manslaughter against 19 year old Clayton Williams

The teenager has been cleared of attempting grievous bodily harm with intent on the officer's colleague.

The court has heard Clayton Williams drove at PC Dave Phillips, 34, in a "cowardly and merciless act'', giving him "no chance'' as he mowed down the officer while behind the wheel of the Mitsubishi truck.

Williams denies murdering PC Phillips, telling the jury he had no intention of hitting the officer and only saw him seconds before impact.

Williams was cleared today of attempting to hurt PC Thomas Birkett, 23, who was with PC Phillips but dived out of the way of the Mitsubishi.

Mr Justice William Davis told the jury he would accept a majority verdict on the charges of murder and manslaughter and sent them home to return on Monday morning.