Strangers Raise £4,000 For Blind Busker Targeted By Thieves

A blind busker who often plays in Liverpool says he's overwhelmed by the generosity of strangers after having his guitar equipment stolen.

Published 16th Feb 2016

A blind busker from Liverpool who had expensive guitar equipment stolen from his home has thanked people for their generosity.

Andy Joynson was born blind and regularly plays to the shoppers on Church Street using his electric guitar.

Last week thieves took some of his equipment, prompting him to set up a go fund me page.

Since then over £4,000 has been raised and some of his equipment has been returned. People have also given him guitar amps to replace the ones that were stolen.

Thanks to the generosity of total strangers Andy has now been able to replace all of the equipment that’s been stolen and with the extra cash he’s going to make a donation to the Guide Dogs charity.

He told us; ‘’it’s been really, really surprising… when it got to £50 I thought that’s tremendous, aren’t people lovely! Now it’s got to where it’s got… it’s beyond belief!’’