#ScousePride : Transgender teenager reveals cruel torment left her feeling alone

13 year old Emily Williams was targeted by bullies in her own street

Emma and Emily
Author: Paul DowardPublished 2nd Aug 2021
Last updated 2nd Aug 2021

A transgender teenager from Liverpool is revealing to us the cruel abuse she's received just for being who she wants to be.

To Mark Liverpool Pride, all this week we're running special reports emphasising our city has no place for hate.

It's after a recent spate of attacks against members of the LGBTQ+ community here.

You can hear Emily's story below...

If you have been affected by any issues around hate crime, then you are not alone. You can find help from local and national charities and organisations working to support victims :

Stop Hate UK - 0800 138 1625

The Anthony Walker Foundation - 0151 237 3974

Stonewall - https://www.stonewall.org.uk/help-and-advice

The LGBT Foundation - 0345 330 30 30 or helpline@lgbt.foundation

The Michael Causer Foundation - 0151 528 2808 or info@michaelcauserfoundation.org.uk

Mermaids UK - 0808 801 0400 or info@mermaidsuk.org.uk.

Daisy Inclusive UK - 0151 261 0309 or info@daisyuk.com

Scope - 0808 800 3333 or helpline@scope.org.uk.

Victim Support - 0808 1689 111

Citizens Advice Liverpool - 0151 522 1400 or lgbthatecrime@caliverpool.org.uk