Poppy Field Comes To Liverpool

Published 30th Jul 2015

We can reveal Liverpool is going to become home to the iconic Tower of London poppy field

Millions of people visited the Weeping Window last year and Merseyside has been chosen as its next home.

We can all probably remember the iconic cascade of thousands of poppies that poured out of a high window at the Tower of London and into the moat below.

888, 246 poppies represented every death in British and Colonial Forces during the war between 1914 and 1918.

After the exhibit finished cities across the country bid to become the next place where they would be showcased and Liverpool is one of three that's been chosen.

The Council's announced the Weeping Window will be installed at St George's Hall and the Cenotaph at the beginning of November in time for the Remembrance Service on the 8th - until January next year.

Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said: “Liverpool is honoured and privileged to be chosen to host the Weeping Window.

“There is no better location than St George’s Hall, with its intrinsic links to WW1 and the Liverpool PALS and its Cenotaph where people come to pay their respects to the war dead. It is the spiritual heart of the city and a place where Liverpool gathers at important moments in its history, whether for celebration or sorrow. I know that people will come from far and wide in huge numbers to see the Weeping Window, particularly around Remembrance Sunday.

“We will be working in partnership with other organisations to run a community education programme focused around the history of WW1 and encourage personal remembrance and reflection.”

The Weeping Window and Wave are from the installation Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red by Paul Cummins Ceramics Limited in conjunction with Historic Royal Palaces. The original poppies concept was created by artist Paul Cummins and installation designed by Tom Piper. It was originally at the Tower of London from August to November 2014.

Jenny Waldman, Director of 14-18 NOW, said: "14-18 NOW are thrilled to be taking the poppies to Liverpool, and we are pleased to announced that Weeping Window will be in St George's Hall for Armistice Day 2015. This is the latest in a number of commissions with the city that have opened new perspectives on the First World War, including the Giants, Dazzle Ship and the Dazzle Ferry, and we look forward to working with them on this exciting project."

The two sculptures, which together have more than 10,000 poppies, have been saved for the nation by the Backstage Trust and the Clore Duffield Foundation, and gifted to 14-18 NOW and Imperial War Museums. Financial support for the presentations has been received from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Heritage Lottery Fund, and fundraising for the presentations is ongoing.

DAF Trucks are the transport sponsor for the UK presentations, and 14-18 NOW are delighted to partner with DAF on making this historic project a reality.

There will be free access to the poppies for the public to view the work, and it will be supported with an educational programme.

Secretary of State John Whittingdale said: “It is fantastic that there will be new ceramic poppy installations in different parts of the country. This is art at its most powerful and it is only right that everyone should have the chance to see them. The London installation had a huge impact on all those who saw it and the new installations will do the same. This is an another important opportunity for us to remember and pay tribute to those who gave their lives in the First World War."

For the latest information visit www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/poppies or www.1418Now.org.uk/poppies. On Twitter follow @CultureLpool or @1418NOW #PoppiesTour.