Police probe Sefton Park sex attack

A woman's been taken to hospital after telling police she'd been sexually assaulted in Sefton Park last night.

Published 30th Jun 2016

Officers from Merseyside Police's Unity team are investigating an incident in the Sefton Park area, reported to emergency services on Wednesday night.

Emergency services were called at around 11pm, when a 39-year-old woman reported she had been subject to a sexual assault inside the park.

The woman was taken to hospital and will be spoken to by specialist officers today, who will work to establish the full circumstances of the incident.

The area has been cordoned off and will be forensically examined. CCTV from the area will be sought and enquiries are on-going in the area.

Unity Detective Inspector Paul Grounds said: “The victim is being fully supported by our specially trained officers and this investigation is in the early stages.

“The roads around Sefton Park are general busy with cars and dog walkers, even late at night and we are looking to speak with any witnesses who saw a woman in distress on or close to the car park on Croxteth Drive or near to the lake in the park at around 11pm, or saw any suspicious vehicles around this area at the same time, to get in contact. Any information, no matter how small could assist with our enquiries.”

Anyone with information can call officers in the force's specialist Unity team on 0151 777 1382. Information can also be passed to Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.