Police investigating rape in Wallasey release CCTV pictures of motorbike

Detectives investigating a rape in Wallasey on Tuesday 7 June have released CCTV stills of a motorbike they are keen to trace.

Published 20th Jun 2016

Detectives investigating a rape in Wallasey on Tuesday 7 June have released CCTV stills of a motorbike they are keen to trace.

Officers want to speak to the person on the motorbike, which was seen in the area at the time of the incident, as they may have information that could help the police investigation.

The victim was attacked as she walked along Wallasey Bridge Road towards Mill Lane at 5.05pm on Tuesday, 7 June.

A man approached her and began talking to her before sexually assaulting her. Afterwards she contacted the police and an investigation by the force’s rape investigation unit ‘Unity’ was launched.

Detective Inspector Bev Hyland said: "The attack happened next to a busy road during rush hour and I believe there will have been a large number of commuters passing by."

"I would urge anyone who saw anyone acting suspiciously to get in contact with us. We are particularly keen for anybody who saw a man travelling on a motorbike with L plates on, at around 5pm on Tuesday 7th June 2016 to come forward."

"The victim is being fully supported by specially trained officers while we do everything we can to trace every potential witness and follow up every line of enquiry."