Pensioner admits dangerous driving over Belvedere crash

A Liverpool pensioner's admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving after the crash outside Belvedere Academy in February.

Published 31st May 2016

A Liverpool pensioner has admitted seriously injuring five schoolgirls in a crash outside Belvedere Academy in Toxteth.

80 year old Norma Stokes, from Booker Avenue in Allerton, was behind the wheel when her vehicle hit eight pupils on 12th February.

Her car hit the group - aged between 11 and 16 - after mounting the pavement on Belvidere Road.

This morning Stokes has appeared at Liverpool Crown Court and admitted five counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving. Three of the girls who were hit suffered lesser injuries.

Speaking at court, Judge David Aubrey, QC, said:

He said: “There are a number of interested parties and this is an extremely difficult sentencing exercise.

“I cannot complete that difficult sentencing exercise without the benefit of a pre-sentence report. Matters are very finely balanced.”

Stokes will be sentenced on Wednesday morning.