Parents launch petition calling for better road safety outside Liverpool school

Over a 1000 people have already signed petition following accident outside Belvedere Academy

Published 22nd Feb 2016

More than a thousand people have signed a petition calling for better road safety outside Belvedere Academy in Toxteth.

Eight school girls were injured when a motorist mounted the pavement outside the school, just before half term.

The victims suffered broken arms, ankles and facial cuts after being struck by the remote control car.

Campaigners want the council to urgently look into improving crossings and traffic, saying 'it's been an accident waiting to happen'.

Louise Shaw started the petition. Her daughter goes to the school: "More and more people are signing the petition, and are aware of the issues. We need to campaign to get better road safety. I'd like to see a 20 mph speed limit put in along that road with bollards and a better pedestrian crossing for the children. There's Belvedere Academy and the Prep school around the corner, so there's a lot of school children in the area.

A lot of parents have raised concerns and the school have raised concerns about the lack of road safety, and sometimes it takes an accident like this to get these measures implemented."

A Council spokesman told Radio City: "This was a dreadful accident and thoughts are with the pupils involved and their friends and family.

A full investigation is taking place involving relevant organisations such as the police and the city council to carefully and painstakingly piece together exactly what happened, and identify whether any road safety measures could prevent something similar happening again.

In relation to Belvidere Road, pedestrian islands and stricter parking regulations were introduced in 2008 and our parking attendants target the area during term time. In addition out road safety team go in to the school every year to address the new intake of pupils."

You can sign the petition here