One In Twenty UK Women Are ‘Drunkorexic’

Women admit to skipping meals or eating less to drink alcohol

Published 29th Jan 2016

A new nationwide survey has revealed that more than one in twenty (5%)* women in the UK admitted to skipping a meal or reducing their food consumption in order to cut down the number of calories they were consuming because they were drinking alcohol or planning to do so later that day. This is colloquially known as ‘drunkorexia’.

In January, many people are looking for a ‘quick fix’ to slim down and improve their health after the indulgent Christmas period, however some experts warn against ‘drunkorexia’ as a method for cutting down calories. Instead they recommend reducing alcohol intake overall, for example with a drink diet, or ‘driet’.

We've spoke to a Mum from the Wirral, who has chosen to remain anonymous. Her daughter has suffered from Anorexia, since her early teens and now she is older thinks she has 'Drunkorexia' as well....

"It probably is a regular part of her routine if she knows she's going out. In order to minimise the calories, she'll restrict even more on the eating in order to go out and drink more."