MP's launch inquiry into sexual harassment and bullying in schools

In the first inquiry of it's kind - a group of MP's is investigating the scale of sexual harassment in

Published 18th Apr 2016

The first parliamentary inquiry into the scale and impact of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools is launched today by the Women and Equalities Committee. It comes as new research shows how young people are being affected by this problem.

Prior to launching this inquiry, the Committee gathered the views of 300 young people from across the UK including a workshop in Liverpool through a series of workshops run by Fixers. These findings are published today. Young people reported that: Schools are not playing their part in recognising the pressures young people are under when dealing with matters of sexual harassment and sexual bullying, teachers may brush off incidents of sexual assaults or sexually threatening behaviour because of students relatively young age and many incidents go unreported because students are worried that victims will be punished as well as perpetrators

“Lad culture is a big issue; it is really common. In my school lads would come up to girls and grab their ass, try and push them into the changing rooms and stuff and then say don’t get upset it’s just banter.” Gemma, 22.

“Say, if your bra got undone they would give a warning and that would be the last of it. Teachers wouldn't’t really bring it up, they’d tell them to ‘sit down, stop messing around, do your work’ and then it wouldn't’t get reported anywhere else.” Ella, 17.

“At my school a girl was pressured into performing oral sex on an older boy in school. They were caught and both suspended for the same amount of time. I can see it is difficult for schools to get that right. They’ve got to be seen to be doing something, keeping the school’s reputation in check and deciding what to do is a tricky business. Schools are not equipped to deal with emotional analysis.” Charlotte, 18.

Data published in September 2015 showed that 5,500 sexual offences were recorded in UK schools over a three year period, including 600 rapes. A 2010 YouGov poll of 16-18 year olds found 29% of girls experienced unwanted sexual touching at school and a further 71% said they heard sexual name-calling towards girls at school daily or a few times per week.

In 2015 Girlguiding UK found that 75% of girls and young women said anxiety about potentially experiencing sexual harassment affects their lives in some way. The same survey found that 90% of young women aged 13-21 agree that the government should make sure all schools are addressing sexual harassment and bullying in schools.

Fixers report (attached) contains views from 300 young people aged between 16-25. These views were heard at nine workshops held in Croydon, Castleford, Plymouth, Newcastle, Newport, Liverpool, Southampton, Birmingham and Stirling. Fixers is a UK wide charity which supports young people to get their voices heard and valued on issues which matter to them. Since 2008 more than 18,000 young people in England have become Fixers and created around 2,000 projects.

Maria Miller, Chair of the Committee said:

“It’s clear from the young people we’ve heard from that sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools is having a profound impact on their day to day lives. We need to address this issue now, and stop it from blighting the lives of another generation of young people – both male and female.

“We’re asking teachers, students, parents, youth organisations and anyone else with an interest in this subject to share their knowledge and experience with us. We’ll use this evidence to find the most effective measures to reduce levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools.”

The sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools inquiry will take evidence until Sunday 22nd May. The Committee is seeking the views of all stakeholders concerned and particularly encourages young people to share their experiences and solutions. The terms of reference for the inquiry are: