Merseyside Police launch Scrambler Bike crackdown

Raids took place across Merseyside this morning, where five people were arrested

Published 9th Jun 2016

Merseyside Police has today launched Operation Brookdale, their annual summer campaign to target the criminal and anti-social use of off-road bikes across Merseyside.

The operation, which will run between now and September, got underway with a strike day across the force, responding to community information on the suspected storage of illegal bikes. This is the fifth year of Operation Brookdale and during last year's operation alone, more than 170 stolen vehicles were seized and more than 120 arrests were made for offences ranging from no insurance, or licence, through to drink / drug driving and possession of drugs with intent to supply.

Warrants were executed at 15 addresses in Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens and Liverpool and searches off the properties are ongoing. So far five people have been arrested and eleven off-road bikes have been recovered.

One quad bike and two scrambler bikes were seized from an address in Saughall Massey, Wirral. One quad bike and two scrambler bikes have been seized from an address in Stoneycroft. A further scrambler bike was seized from an address in Huyton.

Throughout the operation, Neighbourhood officers in Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens and Liverpool will be supported by officers from the specialist Roads Policing Unit, vehicle crime, the dog and mounted sections, and the National Police Air Service (NPAS) Helicopter. We will also be working closely with Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, local authorities, and housing agencies, who will in turn be using their own powers and legislation to stop offenders in their tracks.

Merseyside Police Superintendent Jenny Sims said: “We understand the frustration and worry that people feel when they see reckless behaviour of off-road bikes. They pose a danger to pedestrians and other road users, and the consequences of their illegal use can devastate families. Parents shouldn’t have to worry whether they and their children can enjoy our parks and open spaces, but with your help and information, we can stand together and make your areas safer.

"Operation Brookdale will be focusing on areas where communities are suffering from the illegal and anti-social use of scrambler bikes, off road vehicles and quad bikes. We know from previous years that the summer months brings more reported incidents, we want our communities to see that as a result we will be putting extra resources when and where issues are highlighted.

"This morning’s activity demonstrates our promise that when the community gives us information on where these vehicles are being stored, we will take action. People who store them on behalf of others may face losing their home. People who use them illegally will lose their vehicle and their licence.”

Activity throughout the summer will include: • Increased patrols in areas, including parks and other public land • Enforcement of traffic law on the highway to restrict the activities of illegal riders on our roads • Use of NPAS helicopter to act as an eye in the sky and monitor the movements of these bikes • Use locally gathered intelligence to execute warrants where storage locations are identified • Visits to petrol stations by officers and PCSOs • Partnership work with Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Local Authorities (including City Watch CCTV) and housing authorities

Merseyside’s Deputy Police Commissioner Cllr Sue Murphy said: “Today’s strike day sends out a powerful message that Merseyside Police will not tolerate the anti-social and criminal use of scrambler bikes.

“People in Merseyside have repeatedly told us that these bikes are a blight on their neighbourhoods. I hope today’s crackdown and the launch of Operation Brookdale reassures our communities that Merseyside Police is committed to seizing these nuisance bikes and taking the criminals who are using them off our roads.

“The riders of these bikes are jeopardising their own safety and that of innocent road users and pedestrians and today should also act as a warning that they if they use these bikes in an illegal way they will be caught and may face prosecution.”

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Station Manager Franny Hill said: “Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service fully supports this initiative to help our communities become quieter, safer places.

“Our advocates will be encouraging anyone with information about illegal or nuisance scrambler bikes in their areas to contact Merseyside Police or Crimestoppers. We are proud to lend our weight to this campaign to help people understand the consequences of driving these bikes illegally or irresponsibly.”

St Helens Council's Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Lisa Preston said: "We are determined to tackle the problem of off-road vehicle nuisance - which can have a major impact on our communities. Riding any motorbike, quad bike or mini-moto off-road on public land, parks, pavements, waste ground or footpath in St Helens is illegal - and will not be tolerated.

"Bike owners run the risk of their machines being confiscated and crushed if they are caught and posters reinforce that message in the borough's parks."