Merseyside Mum Wants Schools Admission Process Changed For Summertime Babies

Published 6th Aug 2015

Lauren Douglas from West Derby is fighting for her daughter Isabella to start school next September, just after her 5th Birthday.

Isabella turns 4 this month and Lauren thinks she's too young to be starting school in September.

She wants her to start in a reception class next September but has been told by Liverpool City Council that if she waits until then, Isabella will have to go straight into Year One.

Lauren told Radio City News;

''reception year is described as essential education, it is the second half of her early years foundation stage where you learn your core work. Letters, phonics, numbers. If she misses that year she will already be disadvantaged to everyone else in her class''

''I think there needs to be a lot more clarity in the admissions department, I feel like i'm swimming against a tide.''

She's got the support of her MP Stephen Twigg and is working with the Summerborn Campaign to change the school admissions code.

In response to her situation, Liverpool City Council gave us this statement;

"A panel of headteachers and local education authority representatives looked extremely carefully at Ms Douglas's request to defer her daughter's entry into reception class. The guidance from the Department of Education is clear that they must make a decision based on the individual circumstances and in the best interests of the child concerned. In this case, her daughter is making expected progress for her age in all areas, so they have been unable to support the application. Ms Douglas has been offered a number of options, including delaying her daughter's start until January or April 2016; starting her at school on a part time basis for a period of time, or entering school in Year One in September 2016."

To find out more about the Summerborn Campaign click here.