Man Stabbed In "Vicious & Unprovoked Attack"

Published 27th Jul 2015

A man's in hospital after being repeatedly stabbed on a Wirral street in an what's been described a "viscious and unprovoked attack". The 56 year old victim was walking down Exmouth Street in Birkenhead in the early hours of Saturday morning.

He was stabbed in his head, back and chest with what is believed to have been a Stanley knife on Westbourne Road.

His injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

The offender is described as white, aged 18-22, around 5ft 6in-5ft 7in tall and of slim build with white hair. He spoke with a local accent and was wearing black rectangular framed glasses and a light grey coloured tracksuit.

Detective Inspector Paul Denn said: “We are treating this as a vicious, unprovoked attack and we are determined to find the man responsible and put him before the courts, so we are keen to speak to as many witnesses as possible.

"Attacks of this kind are extremely rare and the unprovoked nature of this incident makes it very unusual.

"I would appeal to anyone who believes they may recognise the description of the offender to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

"Also, if you were in the Westbourne Road area shortly after midnight on Saturday morning and saw anything that may help our enquiries, please contact us."

Anyone who may have information which could help the police with their enquiries is asked to contact detectives in Wirral on 0151 777 2263 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.