Man Banned From Keeping Animals After Two Dogs In Car At Creamfields

Published 23rd Jul 2015

Paul Cave was sentenced today after being found guilty in his absence at Warrington Magistrates Court on 4 February in relation to three offences - including causing unnecessary suffering to two Rottweiler dogs by confining them in an environment that was detrimental to their wellbeing; failing to take steps to ensure that the needs of the dogs were met by providing a suitable environment and failing to protect them from pain, suffering and injury.

Cave, of Eton Avenue, Oldham, was disqualified from keeping animals for life and given a 12-month conditional discharge at Runcorn Magistrates’ Court, where he was sentenced in his absence. He was also ordered to pay £260 costs.

Security dogs Rebel and Zola, both Rottweilers, died on 23 August 2014 after they had been left in the car for just under three hours at the music festival, held near Warrington.

RSPCA Inspector Anthony Joynes said: “This case is a distressing example of how dogs really do die in hot cars. The Met Office report for the day was a maximum of 17C, which shows that it doesn't have to be very hot outside. Even warm, pleasant outside temperatures turn cars into ovens and therefore death traps for dogs.

“Cave completely failed Rebel and Zola and the dogs paid the ultimate price for those failures. The vet described how the dogs would have suffered to an unimaginable extent. That heartbreaking point has rarely left me.

“I sincerely hope now that Rebel and Zola did not suffer in vain and that some good can come of this case to help prevent other dogs suffering a similar fate. The security organisers of Creamfields are doing what they can and asking for RSPCA input on measures to prevent anything similar occurring again.”

For more information about RSPCA advice concerning dogs left in hot cars and what to do if you see a dog in a hot car please visit: . If you see a dog in distress in a hot car, dial 999.