Liverpool Marks 175th Anniversary Of First Transatlantic Crossing

Liverpool's marking the 175th anniversary of the introduction of regular Transatlantic crossings.

Published 5th Jul 2015

Liverpool's marking the 175th anniversary of the introduction of regular Transatlantic crossings.

Queen Mary 2 sounded her foghorn at 14:00 to signify the time 175 years earlier that Cunard’s first ship left the city’s Coburg Dock.

Meanwhile the Very Big Catwalk Extravaganza managed to break the world record for the most models on a catwalk.

And the Red Arrows made a surprise appearance too.

Angus Struthers, Cunard Director said: “It’s just six weeks since the Three Queens Liverpool Salute made news around the world and the city has once again given Cunard the warmest of welcomes. The atmosphere in the city is still amazing and the support for Queen Mary 2 has been fantastic on this, the exact day that Cunard’s first ship set out on her maiden crossing from Liverpool, 175 years ago.

Queen Mary 2’s departure today on a special crossing from Liverpool to Halifax and Boston re-creates that first voyage, and on board talks by historians, ship designers and Cunard specialists will bring fresh new perspectives to the Cunard story, just as our two concerts in Liverpool's Anglican cathedral today have really brought the company's history alive in such a resonant way.

Today has also been the first time in nearly 50 years that we’ve been able to welcome transatlantic passengers aboard in Liverpool and those 400 people have each made a little bit of history.

This has been such an extraordinary year for Cunard but it has been the strength of the partnership with Liverpool, our ‘spiritual home’ which has made our 175th anniversary so special. Thank you Liverpool for celebrating with us today!”

Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson has told Radio City News discussions have already taken place to try and get a cruise liner terminal on Merseyside.

Click below to hear our interview: