Joe Anderson says resignation of Nigel Farage 'insult' to leave voters

Joe Anderson says Nigel Farage has conned the country - after announcing he's to resign following the EU referendum result.

Published 4th Jul 2016

Joe Anderson says Nigel Farage has conned the country - after announcing he's to resign following the EU referendum result.

Joe Anderson says Nigel Farage has conned the country - after announcing he's to resign following the EU referendum result.

The leader of UKIP says he's stepping down as leader of the party after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

"My aim in politics was to get Britain out of the European Union," he said in a speech outlining the party's post-referendum strategy.

"That is what we voted for in that referendum two weeks ago, and that is why I now feel that I've done my bit, that I couldn't possibly achieve more.

"And so I feel it's right that I should now stand aside as leader of UKIP."

This is not the first time the 52-year-old has resigned as leader. In 2015, he quit the leadership after the general election, but reversed that decision just days later.

"I won't be changing my mind again - I can promise you," he said.

"During the referendum campaign I said I want my country back. What I'm saying today is: I want my life back."

Farage has quit before, but says this time the decision is permanent, and after helping to secure the leave vote, he now wants his life back.

But it's sparked anger from critics who say Farage is leaving others to pick up the pieces.

Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson says it's outrageous.

He said " They've achieved what they wanted to set out to achieve that was a removal of the United Kingdom from Europe, but for the job for me and many who are left to pick up the pieces is not done."

"I think its an insult to people across the country that voted to leave that are now not going to get any better because we're out of the EU who believed they would because of his lies."

You can hear the full interview below