Incredible sloth selfie is a hit with the internet

He looks so happy!

Published 5th Jul 2016

Having a bad day? This selfie will cheer you up.

As selfies go this has to be one of the best.

Since being tweeted yesterday this photo of Andrew Bloch and a sloth has been retweeted nearly 17,000 times and Liked over 20,000 times.

Andrew, who is the founder of a PR firm said, 'I'm totally against the selfie-stick but every now and then an exception comes along.'

And this pic is definitely the exception.

In recent years the selfie stick has become synonymous with social media hounds and even been banned from some public places. However this photo has proved that there is a time and a place for everything.

Sloths are known for living in the trees and rarely venturing to the ground so Andrew was lucky to catch sight of one, particularly one that seemed to be happy to have its photo taken.

Long live the slofie!