"I hope you rot in hell" - Man sentenced for brutal murder Southport Travel agent Cassie Hayes

31 year old Andrew Burke blamed Cassie for the breakdown of his relationship with his former partner

Andrew Burke
Author: Adam PhillipsPublished 9th Apr 2018

A man has been handed a life sentence after murdering his ex partner's girlfriend while she worked at a Southport Travel agents

31 year old Andrew Burke from St Helens cut the throat of 28 year old Cassie Hayes in front of customers, including young children, at the TUI Branch on Chapel Street in January

Burke today admitted murder and having an offensive weapon, namely a knife, in a public place.

Liverpool Crown Court heard the day before the murder, Burke was out on bail, due to be sentenced for harassing Laura Williams, his former partner and Cassie's girlfriend.

Judge David Aubrey QC said the murder was "an act of unspeakable savagery"

In an emotional impact statement read out in court, Cassie's mother Tracey told Burke he should 'rot in hell' for the murder.

Burke sat emotionless in the dock as she read her statement from the witness box.

Supported arm-in-arm by her daughter Nadine, she said: "On January 13 at 1.20pm our lives changed forever."

"You took the most precious gift I ever had in my life, my beautiful daughter, my baby, in the most horrific way ever."

"You are the most evil, evil monster walking on this whole earth. You do not deserve to breathe fresh air."

"You are a sick, disturbed man and you do not deserve to walk the streets again. You should spend the rest of your life behind bars."

"I just want my baby back and I hope you rot in hell you evil, evil coward of a man."