
An 11-year-old Southport boy recovering from a bone marrow transplant wants to help find match for 7-year-old Bootle boy waiting for a donor.

Published 12th Apr 2015

Last month 11-year-old Sam Wright from Southport had a life saving bone marrow transplant.

He suffers from a rare genetic condition that his older sister Ella sadly died from six years ago after having an unsuccessful transplant from a mis-matched donor.

As he recovers from his operation at Manchester Children's Hospital Sam is appealing for people to sign up as donors to help other children needing a bone marrow transplant; especially 7-year-old Finn McEwen from Bootle.

Radio City have been following Finn's story for the last few weeks as his family desperately try to find him a life-saving match on the stem cell register.

His Mum Carole told us;

''Without it then he wouldn't have the chance of surviving this disease... the only chance of him having a long and full and happy life that we always expected him to have, is for him to get a transplant''

Nobody know what Finn's family are going through better than Sam Wright and his family.

Our reporter Roisin Hastie went to meet Sam's Mum Sally at Manchester Children's Hospital where he's being treated;

To find out more about Stem cell donation and how you can join the register click here.