Family of terminally ill Wirral girl urge Merseyside to get behind their appeal

The family of a 9 year old Wirral girl, who's been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, are trying to raise £300,000 to pay for alternative treatment.

Lucy Moroney
Published 10th Aug 2017

The family of a Wirral schoolgirl terminally ill with a brain tumour have told Radio City of their desperate battle to raise £300,000 to help get alternative treatment for her.

Lucy Moroney, who's 9, has been diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) - and her tumour is grade 4, meaning Lucy has just months to live.

The NHS only offer radiotherapy and chemotherapy as a form of treatment - but alternatives are available, but unfortunately at a high cost.

One in particular is carried out by a Mexican doctor - but for an estimated fee of around£300,000.

It's the latest tragedy for the family - after Lucy's mother Nicola died five and a half years ago - suffering a sudden heart attack at just 33 due to an undiagnosed heart condition.

Lucy was only four years old at the time and her sister, Amy, was almost two.

Nicola was pregnant at the time, and her baby girl was born by c-section at 24 weeks. She was named Ruby and lived for 14 hours - dying in her father's arms on January 25th 2012.

Writing on their fundraising appeal site, Lucy's Auntie Paula says: “Since the tragedy of losing Nicola and Ruby - Lucy and Amy have had their lives rebuilt around them by their loving dad, dedicated 'Nannie' (my mum) and the rest of the family.

“On July 17, our already broken hearts were shattered into a million pieces when Lucy was diagnosed with DIPG a terminal, inoperable and so far untreatable malignant brain tumour.

“There has been very little research into DIPG and therefore, comparatively little is known about this type of cancer.

“We know it only affects children and the cruel nature and location of the tumour means that DIPG children gradually lose control of their bodily functions.

“Our family is doing everything possible, amid the whirlwind of disbelief we find ourselves in, to find alternative therapies and options that may work either outside or alongside the NHS.

“It's our only hope of helping Lucy and if we have hope, we can keep going.”

So far the family have raised £more than £75,000 of their £300,000 target.

Paula added: “If you can't help by donating to 'Lucy's Pineapple Fund' (Lucy LOVES pineapples) then any research you can do into these and potentially other alternative therapies would be fantastic.

“We are open to suggestions and advice from anyone who has dealt with DIPG - we don't have time on our hands to become experts.

“I'm sure you'll understand that we want to do absolutely everything we can for Lucy.

“With the tumour being grade 4, we don't have time on our side, so we need to raise as much as we can as quickly as we can.

“Any fundraising ideas anyone has please let me know.”

For more information or to donate visit