Family of missing Wirral mum give appeal for help in finding her

The son of a Wirral mum who hasn't been seen for a month has told Radio City how every day without her is like a living nightmare

Published 15th Nov 2016

The son of a Wirral mum who hasn't been seen for a month has told Radio City how every day without her is like a living nightmare

39 year old Anita Stevenson was last seen by her partner at their home in Birkenhead on October 18th. Her disappearance has been described as completely out of character

Ever since family and friends have rallied together to help find her. Anita moved with her family to the Wirral from Bradford around two years ago

Her son Jake said :" She's a lovely person, she does everything she can for everyone, she cares for me and my sister very much so it's very hard not having her around

It's been a living hell without her. Over here, she's our only adult relative so it's hard not to have her round for support and for my sister's sake as well"

Anita's mum Catherine said their lives are on hold until she is found. She said "It's just not in her character to be like this. It's hard knowing Jake's down her, knowing the support he needs and her younger sister.

"I don't think I'll be putting any Christmas decorations up this year not until so hopefully we'll hear something that she's ok"

Anita was captured on CCTV cameras near Albany Road in Rock Ferry on 18 October.

She was wearing a blue Adidas jacket and Nike leggings and trainers.

Police say she's known to Birkenhead and Moreton areas of the Wirral as well as Bradford in West Yorkshire

Can you help? Anyone with information being urged to call 101 or 999

Listen to the full interview with our reporter Adam Phillips below