Claire Simmo

Published 2nd Dec 2015


How long have you been in radio?

I started in 1998 and love everything about it; the people, the tower and I’ve got a great face for radio!

What other careers have you had?

I have been a presenter on QVC and have been working in theatre since leaving Elliott Clarke Drama College. Also worked for Jaguar for 7 years. I was a member of the pop group Tight Fit when they reformed and toured with them across the country.

What are your interests/hobbies?

Any spare time I have I'm dressed as a Fairy in panto ha ha! I also love swimming and spending time with the kids – mainly because I’m a big kid myself!

What’s been the best or funniest thing that’s ever happened to you on radio?

When I was working with Scott Hughes on Radio City we did a feature called Scotties Selfies where people tweet us with their selfies. A woman kept tweeting pics of herself with different vegetables. And both Scott and I collapsed laughing! I used to be very professional and never corpse on air but working with Scott - I regularly lost the plot!

What is your nickname/how are you known to your mates?

Most people called me Simmo however a name that has stuck with me is Fairy from when I did my first panto in 2001. People who have been at the radio station since I first joined still call me Fairy.

What’s your favourite movie/book/TV show?

My favourite movie of all time is GREASE and MY COUSIN VINNY. TV show; Holby City – only because I fancy all the fit Doctors also love I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. I love any books about The Tudors/Anne Boleyn.

Do you have a party trick and what is it?

I can touch my tongue with my nose and I have an amazing napkin trick which involves a napkin and a fork - although I did accidentally set fire to the napkin whilst doing it on Christmas Day!

Biggest celebrity you’ve ever met?

Kim Cattrall when she came and appeared in Anthony & Cleopatra at the Playhouse I went to interview her and she was amazing.

Most embarrassing moment?

I would imagine most people would say that happens on a daily basis depending on which ridiculous outfit I choose from my wardrobe. Although one happened very recently in panto when Kurtis Stacey (Alex from Emmerdale) bumped into me on stage and knocked me flying into the scenery and I broke it which meant they had to stop the show!

What would you be doing if you weren’t on the radio?

I would probably be in musicals or full time acting!

How do you know what to talk about on air?

On my Heat show it's great because it's all the celeb gossip from the week gone by! With Rossie on Radio City 2 it's generally every day life topics and the conversation flows very naturally.

What are some goals you’re still trying to accomplish?

I would love to play the Narrator in Joseph or Mrs Johnstone in Blood Brothers.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pray - Take That

Describe yourself in three words.

Pink, Loud and Happy!