City of Liverpool College opens doors to the homeless.

Around 100 people currently sleeping rough in Liverpool are expected to be supported today - as the City of Liverpool College opens it's doors.

Published 2nd Jun 2016

Around 100 people currently sleeping rough in Liverpool are expected to be supported today - as the City of Liverpool College opens it's doors.

They're holding an event today at their building on Roscoe Street for people trying to get back on their feet - providing advice clinics, as well as food, new clothes and entertainment.

Michelle Williams who is behind the idea said:

"It's designed to welcome everdody, wherether their homeless, rough sleeping or staying in a hostel - to really empower them"

"We are in a really central location, which is a hive of activity, so opening up a building is ideal in welcoming people in"

The event runs from 8am to 2pm today.

Jeff from Liverpool was one of the people who turned up today to get support on housing.

"It's just great to know there's someone there for help and advice - i've grabbed some food, and i'll be back later to get some advice on housing. It's so important"