Chester man jailed for 14 years for sexual assaults and controlling behaviour

Ben Smith has also been handed a restraining order, and a sexual harm prevention order

Jailed: 28 year old Ben Smith
Author: Matt SoanesPublished 3rd May 2023
Last updated 4th May 2023

A Chester man has been jailed for 14 years after being found guilty of multiple counts of sexual assault and controlling behaviour towards two women.

28 year old Ben Smith, of Sydney Road, was convicted of seven counts of rape and two counts of coercive and controlling behaviour at Chester Crown Court.

He has also been handed a restraining order, preventing him from contacting his two victims. He has also been given a sexual harm prevention order.

The offences happened between January and December 2018, with both victims reporting that Smith would place pillows over their faces so they couldn't breathe.

One of the victims reported being isolated from friends and family at the time.

DS Tom Philpotts, of Cheshire Police, said: “I’d like to thank the victims for their bravery in coming forwards and standing up against this type of behaviour."

“Family and friends of each of the victims were also becoming concerned with the behaviour of Smith and had on occasion witnessed red flag behaviour.

"Police were called when the rapes were disclosed and we have supported the two women and their families from that moment on to make sure they felt enabled to get justice despite the distress they were feeling and had gone though at the hands of Smith.

“We hope this encourages those suffering from abusive relationships to speak out and get help.

"Our focus is to protect the community from people like Smith and we will do all we can to stop this type of abhorrent behaviour.”