Campaign aiming to turn Liverpool into the most active city in UK

A new campaign's been launched to try and turn Liverpool into the most active city in the UK

Published 13th Jul 2016

A new campaign's been launched to try and turn Liverpool into the most active city in the UK

Fit for Me is a joint effort between the Liverpool Clinical Commisioning Group and Liverpool City Council. It's been set up to encourage people across the city to change their lifestyles and improve their health.

Dr Maurice Smith, a GP at Mather Avenue surgery in Allerton and Healthy Liverpool’s ‘Living Well’ clinical lead said, “Being active can be whatever you want it to be. It can mean simple things like walking more or finding active ways to spend the weekend with the kids. As long as it gets your heart beating a bit faster and makes you breathe a bit harder, it counts.”

Dr Sandra Davies, Liverpool’s Director of Public Health added, “63% of adults in Liverpool are currently inactive1, Fit for Me aims to change this.

“The campaign features local people from across the city sharing their real stories about how they have become active and how this has improved their lives."

"We asked the people of Liverpool to get in touch with us to tell us how they keep physically active and why it is so important to them. And oh, didn’t they get in touch."

"We were overwhelmed with responses from people whose lives have been transformed by adding a little bit of activity into their daily routine. We chose 11 of these inspirational people to help launch the first phase of our new campaign.”

Dr Smith continued, “The campaign has been developed with a huge amount of insight work with the most important people, the people of Liverpool. There will be wide range of activities available across the city to help encourage small steps to getting fitter.

“We’ve also put together a short quiz to help you understand what being active means, how it can help you and give you some personalised advice on how to get started.”

Local research claims many people in Liverpool think that it’s become normal to be inactive, and don't know what being active means or how to start being more active. People don’t realise that making small changes in their daily lives to become more active can make them feel better.

For more information you can head over to