Brand Me

Brand Me is an exciting new initiative from Sefton and Liverpool Women in Business (SWLIB) & the Bauer Academy.

Published 19th Sep 2016

Brand Me is an exciting new initiative from Sefton and Liverpool Women in Business (SWLIB) & the Bauer Academy.

Funded by the Big Lottery’s Awards for All programme, this multimedia course is designed to engage women who are disadvantaged – including those who have been victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, have struggled with substance misuse, criminal convictions and mental health issues.

The six week course will help them to raise their aspirations, fulfil their potential and connect themselves more confidently to future employers by developing their confidence and self esteem while also providing them with employability skills that are transferable to a range of careers.

The course takes place right here at Radio City, giving participants the chance to receive work based learning and develop skills working in a real environment alongside professionals.

The course takes place 10am – 2pm on the following dates:

•October 6th •October 13th •October 20th •November 3rd •November 10th •November 17th •December 1st (Follow up session)

If you are interested in taking part, please contact -
